
Don’t Get Your Tinsel in a Tangle – Tips to Beat Holiday Stress

Woman stressed about holiday shopping

Relieving stress is a popular topic any time of year, but it resonates very deeply amid the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. The months of November and December can be a perfect storm of managing tricky family dynamics, juggling work and home demands, pressure to celebrate and financial stress over gift-giving budgets.

To help, we’ve rounded up a few of our favorite stress-busting tips from around the Internet:

The Mayo Clinic says don’t abandon healthy habits. Don’t let the holidays become a free-for-all. Overindulgence only adds to your stress and guilt. They recommend having a healthy snack before holiday parties so that you don’t go overboard on sweets, cheese or drinks; getting plenty of sleep; and incorporating regular physical activity into each day.

Emily Ley, author of the book “When Less Becomes More,” says give yourself permission to be imperfect. It’s easy to get swept up in crafting the perfect dinner table and making sure all of your guests feel comfortable and cared for. But when it comes to the holidays, don’t forget to focus on the things that matter most – those sweet, slow, and rich moments that you’ll cherish for years to come. Plan a few simple activities that your family can do together, such as volunteering to help others in need, playing a new game around the living room table, expressing your thankfulness for each person in the room, and engaging in meaningful conversation with the people you love.

Woman’s Day recommends you seek a fresh perspective. Take one task that drives you crazy during the holidays and tackle it in a new way. A fresh approach just might make a difference. For example, if you dread having to send out holiday cards, enlist your husband and split the list.

The folks at Health advise us to go tech-free. Constant cell phone buzzes and email alerts keep us in a perpetual fight-or-flight mode due to bursts of adrenaline. Not only is this exhausting, but it contributes to mounting stress levels. What better time to turn your gadgets off than during a holiday get-together? Enjoy spending time with your family and friends without worry.

Finally, your friends at Purchasing Power say obey your budget. Now is not the time to empty out your life savings or dig deeper into credit card debt. You want to start off the New Year on solid financial ground, so create a budget and stick to it. Research best prices and pay cash, buy through an employee purchase program or declare this the year of handmade gifts – whatever you do, remember the real reason for the season isn’t about spending money.

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